
This picture was taken on Friday after a trip to Selfridges on Oxford Street to visit the Krispy Kreme doughnut stand. I had only ever heard about these "legendary" Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and it has taken me 9 months to finally sample their doughnutty goodness. All I can is, WOW! They are the yummiest doughnuts that I have EVER tasted, no doubts. As you can see, they are so nice, even one of Renae's bears couldn't resist the temptation... (Yes, you guessed it, it was very boring at work on Friday...).
Whilst at Selfridges, we also sampled some of the culinary delights of the Square Pie Company. This place has a selection of pies (square of course) that you can get in a box (square) with your choice of mash potato, mushy peas, whole peas and/or gravy (none of which are square). Once again, very yummy. Really gotta love working in Central London, even though it does get rather pricey.
Made my return to the gym today after a week of non-attendance due to illness. All I can say is, OUCH! After only 1 week, I struggled to lift any weights and nearly died after 20mins on the bike. I've since realised that this is how the bastards make money off you. You have to keep going back, constantly! It's like an illness. An addiction. Once again, the bastards are making money off people's addictions!
This is the world we live in I guess...! :-)
yer bloody addictions... but it make the world go round ey.
Drugs-sex-music-money its all da same. just what ever flots your boat....
Ciao Bello!
I am pleased you have a blog...makes it easier for a sales person just to read small amounts at any given time! Planning another trip either in April or August to London, Italy & Stockholm.
Miss Jane, you're alive! I was beginning to think you'd dropped off the face of the Earth!
Keep me posted on your travel plans. I promise I won't be sick when we organise a meet-up this time... :)
Is that REALLY Jane? I still dont believe it.
Perhaps its stu playing a trick.
i hate to say it, but I think krispy kremes taste horrible & everyone at my work agrees. Maybe they cook them differently over there?
Hmmm, dunno Miss Wright, but the ones here are lovely. Soft, fresh, sweet as hell.
The jam-filled ones are orgasmic. 'Nuff said.
It's not him.. it MUST be Jane!
Hi Jane!
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