Happy (belated) Easter All!
Better late than never, right?? SURE!
Not sure why I bother with this anymore to be honest. I doubt anyone reads the f***ing thing anymore anyway. Not that I blame ya's. I hardly ever update it, and when I do, it's some meaningless drivle like this. Ah well, they say it's theraputic.
Easter was rather low-key. Thursday was spent bar-hopping in the freezing cold (thanks to me leaving my jacket at work), thus leading to the catching of a cough, which I carried with me on Saturday to Brixton Academy, to see Carl Cox. Good night, but Coxy wasn't half as good as when I saw him back home. Got well hammered, which turned my cough into a nasty chest and throat infection. Oh joy! Can't complain too much I guess. I haven't been sick since Christmas. Must have something to do with Christian festivals. Interesting...!
Speaking of Christmas, I was going to visit Oz this coming Christmas, but the airfares around that time of year are rediculous. Even return tickets with China Eastern Airlines (some hick airline) were like £900 return. Bollocks to that! Going to look into visiting September/October-ish. Then I'll be able to afford to bring Renae with me too. Look out!!
Summer is fast approaching here, and there are countless festivals to be attended. At the moment, 2 are definite. The Isle of Wight Festival in June, and Get Loaded In The Park in August. The latter of the 2 I attended last year and it was awesome. It definitely did what it said on the tin! The English sure know how to party...
Anyway, I'm off to Egypt on Saturday for some sun, 5-star hotel action, snorkling and lots of relaxing. So stick THAT in ya pipes and smoke it...
Not sure why I bother with this anymore to be honest. I doubt anyone reads the f***ing thing anymore anyway. Not that I blame ya's. I hardly ever update it, and when I do, it's some meaningless drivle like this. Ah well, they say it's theraputic.
Easter was rather low-key. Thursday was spent bar-hopping in the freezing cold (thanks to me leaving my jacket at work), thus leading to the catching of a cough, which I carried with me on Saturday to Brixton Academy, to see Carl Cox. Good night, but Coxy wasn't half as good as when I saw him back home. Got well hammered, which turned my cough into a nasty chest and throat infection. Oh joy! Can't complain too much I guess. I haven't been sick since Christmas. Must have something to do with Christian festivals. Interesting...!
Speaking of Christmas, I was going to visit Oz this coming Christmas, but the airfares around that time of year are rediculous. Even return tickets with China Eastern Airlines (some hick airline) were like £900 return. Bollocks to that! Going to look into visiting September/October-ish. Then I'll be able to afford to bring Renae with me too. Look out!!
Summer is fast approaching here, and there are countless festivals to be attended. At the moment, 2 are definite. The Isle of Wight Festival in June, and Get Loaded In The Park in August. The latter of the 2 I attended last year and it was awesome. It definitely did what it said on the tin! The English sure know how to party...
Anyway, I'm off to Egypt on Saturday for some sun, 5-star hotel action, snorkling and lots of relaxing. So stick THAT in ya pipes and smoke it...