Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It's time for my 1st rant. This has been bugging me for some time now, so I thought, what better forum to have a whinge about it in!

Since I joined Gmail, I've had nothing but praise for it. Less clutter, easier to use, well-organised, etc, etc. I've also convinced several other people to join up because of how "good" I thought it was. Well, I still think it's good, apart from this one nagging little thing...

I know there has been a lot of stink kicked up lately about e-mail attachments and their associated risks with viruses etc, and we're all aware of the dangers of opening "certain" attachments. (Well, most of us with half a clue that is!). However, Google have taken it upon themselves to decide what types of attachments I am allowed to receive in my Inbox. Recently, a friend of mine tried to send me a ZIP attachment that contained an executable. He got a bounce back saying that the "Attachment type is forbidden". Today I tried to send a ZIP file to a friend, but it wouldn't let me attach it because the ZIP had an executeable in it.

Now, I know it's a free service and all, but shouldn't I be allowed to decide what e-mail attachments I can receive in MY F***ING INBOX?!? I've searched for an option to "allow attachments of type X....", but that option doesn't exist now, does it???

I'm bewildered as to why Mr. Google has decided that we're not intelligent enough to use our own e-mail properly. Why provide a service, then hobble it? Has this gotten under anyone else's skin? Please let me know. Perhaps we can start a "Free My Inbox" campaign? :-)


At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You cant always get what you want.....i said you can't always get what you want.... BUT YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED!


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